Sunday, April 12, 2009



Isn't it interesting how the "profane" -- you and me -- are led like a flock of sheep to observe the important festival days of the Mysteries' Religion? You may not understand that you are ordering your year after pagan holidays, but you are! The annual calendar for the entire Western world is ordered by these Satanic festival times and days.

-- Minor Sabbath but does require human sacrifice

a. March 21-22
-- Goddess Ostara (Ishtar, also spelled, "Eostre"), for whom "Easter" is named -- March 21 is one of the Illuminati's Human Sacrifice Nights

Easter is a shifting date using the common practice of Astrology; it is celebrated on the first Sunday after the first new moon after Ostara.

This date also has nothing to do with the resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ! Rather, this day in the pagan tradition celebrates the return of Semiramis into her reincarnated form of the Spring Goddess. The pagans even have an equivalent to our Good Friday! It is "Easter Friday", and has historically been timed to be the third full moon from the start of the year. Since the marrying of pagan Easter to Jesus' resurrection, Good Friday is permanently fixed on the Friday prior to Easter.

Easter is steeped in the Babylonian Mysteries, the single most evil idolatrous system ever invented by Satan! All throughout the prophetic Scriptures, we see God declaring His final judgment upon wicked Babylon! Yet, every year, Christian pastors intone "Easter" as though it were Christian. Many Independent Baptist preachers have begun referring to this day celebrating Jesus' resurrection as "Resurrection Sunday", in order to separate the day from the pagan celebration.

The Babylonian goddess, Ishtar, is the one for whom Easter is named; ["Pagan Traditions of Holidays", p. 9] in reality, she was Semiramis, wife of Nimrod, and the real founder of the Satanic Babylonian Mysteries. After Nimrod died, Semiramis created the legend that he was really her Divine Son born to her in a Virgin Birth. She is considered to be the co-founder of all occult religions, along with Nimrod.

Easter -- the day of Ishtar -- is celebrated widely among various cultures and religions on earth.

1. Babylon - Ishtar (Easter) also called the Moon Goddess
2. Catholics -- Virgin Mary (Queen of Heaven)
3. Chinese -- Shingmoo
4. Druids -- Virgo Paritura
5. Egypt -- Isis
6. The Pagan Ephesians -- Dianna
7. Etruscans -- Nutria
8. Germans (Ancient) -- Hertha
9. Greeks -- Aphrodite/Ceres
10. India -- Isi/Indrani
11. Ancient Jews -- Ashtaroth (Queen of Heaven)
12. Krishna -- Devaki
13. Rome -- Venus/Fortuna
14. Scandinavians -- Disa
15. Sumerians -- Nana (il na na)

The Babylonians celebrated the day as the return of Ishtar (Easter), the goddess of Spring. This day celebrated the rebirth, or reincarnation, of Nature and the goddess of Nature. According to Babylonian legend, a huge egg fell from heaven, landing in the Euphrates River. The goddess, Ishtar (Easter) broke out of this egg. Later, the feature of an egg nesting was introduced, a nest where the egg could incubate until hatched. A "wicker" or reed basket was conceived in which to place the Ishtar egg.

The Easter Egg Hunt was conceived because, if anyone found her egg while she was being "reborn", she would bestow a blessing upon that lucky person! Because this was a joyous Spring festival, eggs were colored with bright Spring colors. [Ibid.]

The Easter Bunny

"The Goddess' totem, the Moon-hare, would lay eggs for good children to eat ... Eostre's hare was the shape that Celts imagined on the surface of the full moon ..."

["Pagan Traditions of Holidays", p. 10.]

Do not bother to tell me that bunnies do not lay eggs, for I know that; we are dealing with a legend here, and an occult legend at that. These types of legends traditionally play loose and fast with facts.

Thus, "Easter" -- Eostre, or Ishtar -- was a goddess of fertility. Since the bunny is a creature that procreates quickly, it symbolized the sexual act; the egg symbolized "birth" and "renewal". Together, the Easter Bunny and Easter Egg symbolizes the sex act and its offspring, Semiramis and Tammuz.

Thus, it is a very serious spiritual matter, indeed, when christian churches incorporate "Resurrection Eggs" as part of their Easter celebration. At the very least, these churches are confusing the minds of their precious young children, by blurring the dividing line between pagan symbols and their meanings and Christian meanings of Resurrection Day. Young children who participated in "Resurrection Eggs" in church will be conditioned later in their life to accept the fullness of the pagan tradition revolving around the same symbols.

At worst, a church participating in the pagan Easter tradition by promoting "Resurrection Eggs" and perhaps an Easter Egg Hunt, is guilty of combining Christianity with paganism, the very lethal cocktail the Lord Jesus will always reject! Remember our key verse:

"Wherefore come out from among them, and be ye separate, saith the Lord, and touch not the unclean thing"

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