Sunday, January 30, 2011
Uploaded by LashawanQadash. - News videos hot off the press.
Tuesday, January 25, 2011
Joel 3:3 And they have cast lots for my people; and have given a boy for an harlot, and sold a girl for wine, that they might drink.
Rev 11:9 And they of the people and kindreds and tongues and nations shall see their dead bodies three days and an half, and shall not suffer their dead bodies to be put in graves. 10And they of the people and kindreds and tongues and nations shall see their dead bodies three days and an half, and shall not suffer their dead bodies to be put in graves.
Rum and other alcoholic beverages played a crucial role in the African slave trade. English slave trader John Atkins (cited in Craton, Walvin, and Wright 1976:28) described the specific demands at different trading regions, but believed alcohol was "everywhere called for." African historian Lynn Pan (1975:7) argued that the only exception to the alcohol-for-slaves model was in the northern stretches of the slave trade where Islam was strongly entrenched. Yet, even in Muslim controlled areas, alcohol use and the alcohol trade were strong. For example, in the early sixteenth century, Portuguese traveler Valentim Fernandes (1506-1510:16-18) described the availability of numerous types of locally made wine in the Senegal region, including wine made from honey, grains, and palm sap. According to Fernandes, the Wolofs, a partially Muslim group from the Senegal region, "are drunkards who derive great pleasure from our wine."
Much of the alcohol introduced into the African trades entered in the context of gift giving. European slave traders were expected to provide alcoholic beverages to all those involved in the securing slaves. Slave trader William Bosman's guidelines for the Dutch West India Company included regulations that the ship's captain make daily presentations of brandy to the King and the principal traders (cited in Postma 1990:365). The Dutch may have been to blame for what many traders considered a "disagreeable and burdensome custom." According to slave trader John Barbot,
Their design at first was only to draw off the Blacks from trading with Portugueses; but those having once found the sweet, could never be broke of it, tho' the Portugueses were actually expelled from all the places of trade they had been possessed of on the coast; but it became an inviolable custom for all Europeans. (Barbot 1746:260)
Dashee, dassy, and bizy became standard terms along the African coasts for gifts of alcohol dispensed prior to trading (Atkins 1735 cited in Craton, Walvin, and Wright 1976:32; Barbot 1746:142; Rodney 1970:180). According to Atkins (1735 cited in Craton, Walvin, and Wright 1976:32) the African trader "never cares to treat with dry Lips." Bosman (1705:404) reported that the Africans at Whydah were great lovers of strong liquors, who expected their dassy, and "he that intends to Trade here, must humour them herein, or he shall not get one Tooth [elephant tusk]." Gift giving, which often involved elaborate rules, was implemented to appease state leaders and integrate even peripheral African social groups into the Atlantic trade (Thornton 1992:66-67).
Rum and other alcoholic beverages also entered Africa as part of larger trading packages. David Eltis and Lawrence Jennings (1988:948) estimated that in the decade of the 1680s, alcohol represented 12.5% of West African imports and that, a century later, alcohol represented 9.7% (Table #1). This ancillary use of alcohol is evident among all major slave trading nations. In the 1720s, brandy was reported to be one of the principal commodities imported by the French at the slave trading port at Whydah and documents of the Dutch Middelburgsche Commercie Compagnie show that more than 10 percent of trading packages consisted of alcoholic beverages (Saugera 1995:247; Law 1991:202; Postma 1990:104). By the late eighteenth century, slave traders from New England and Brazil were each annually exporting about 300,000 gallons of rum to West and West Central Africa (Pan 1975:8; Williams 1944:80; McCusker 1989:492-497; Curto 1996).
The modern western perception of alcohol as a profane fluid has often been evoked to amplify the insidiousness of European slave trading. According to Cuban historian Fernando Ortiz (1947:25), rum "was always the cargo for the slaver's return trip, for with it slaves were bought, local chieftains bribed, and the African tribes corrupted and weakened." Historian Eric Williams wrote,
Rum was an essential part of the cargo of the slave ship, particularly the colonial American slave ship. No slave trader could afford to dispense with a cargo of rum. It was profitable to spread the taste for liquor on the coast. The Negro dealers were plied with it, were induced to drink till they lost their reason, and then the bargain was struck. (Williams 1944:78)
Modern attitudes about the vulgarity of alcoholic beverages have helped magnify the evils of the slave trade. But the reality of rum's part in the trade is more mundane than the images so passionately depicted. West and West Central Africans were familiar with the potentially disastrous effects of excessive alcohol use prior to European intervention, which precluded the type of social devastation that accompanied the alcohol trade to Native Americans in North America.
Joel 3:3 And they have cast lots for my people; and have given a boy for an harlot, and sold a girl for wine, that they might drink.
Rev 11:9 And they of the people and kindreds and tongues and nations shall see their dead bodies three days and an half, and shall not suffer their dead bodies to be put in graves. 10And they of the people and kindreds and tongues and nations shall see their dead bodies three days and an half, and shall not suffer their dead bodies to be put in graves.
Rum and other alcoholic beverages played a crucial role in the African slave trade. English slave trader John Atkins (cited in Craton, Walvin, and Wright 1976:28) described the specific demands at different trading regions, but believed alcohol was "everywhere called for." African historian Lynn Pan (1975:7) argued that the only exception to the alcohol-for-slaves model was in the northern stretches of the slave trade where Islam was strongly entrenched. Yet, even in Muslim controlled areas, alcohol use and the alcohol trade were strong. For example, in the early sixteenth century, Portuguese traveler Valentim Fernandes (1506-1510:16-18) described the availability of numerous types of locally made wine in the Senegal region, including wine made from honey, grains, and palm sap. According to Fernandes, the Wolofs, a partially Muslim group from the Senegal region, "are drunkards who derive great pleasure from our wine."
Much of the alcohol introduced into the African trades entered in the context of gift giving. European slave traders were expected to provide alcoholic beverages to all those involved in the securing slaves. Slave trader William Bosman's guidelines for the Dutch West India Company included regulations that the ship's captain make daily presentations of brandy to the King and the principal traders (cited in Postma 1990:365). The Dutch may have been to blame for what many traders considered a "disagreeable and burdensome custom." According to slave trader John Barbot,
Their design at first was only to draw off the Blacks from trading with Portugueses; but those having once found the sweet, could never be broke of it, tho' the Portugueses were actually expelled from all the places of trade they had been possessed of on the coast; but it became an inviolable custom for all Europeans. (Barbot 1746:260)
Dashee, dassy, and bizy became standard terms along the African coasts for gifts of alcohol dispensed prior to trading (Atkins 1735 cited in Craton, Walvin, and Wright 1976:32; Barbot 1746:142; Rodney 1970:180). According to Atkins (1735 cited in Craton, Walvin, and Wright 1976:32) the African trader "never cares to treat with dry Lips." Bosman (1705:404) reported that the Africans at Whydah were great lovers of strong liquors, who expected their dassy, and "he that intends to Trade here, must humour them herein, or he shall not get one Tooth [elephant tusk]." Gift giving, which often involved elaborate rules, was implemented to appease state leaders and integrate even peripheral African social groups into the Atlantic trade (Thornton 1992:66-67).
Rum and other alcoholic beverages also entered Africa as part of larger trading packages. David Eltis and Lawrence Jennings (1988:948) estimated that in the decade of the 1680s, alcohol represented 12.5% of West African imports and that, a century later, alcohol represented 9.7% (Table #1). This ancillary use of alcohol is evident among all major slave trading nations. In the 1720s, brandy was reported to be one of the principal commodities imported by the French at the slave trading port at Whydah and documents of the Dutch Middelburgsche Commercie Compagnie show that more than 10 percent of trading packages consisted of alcoholic beverages (Saugera 1995:247; Law 1991:202; Postma 1990:104). By the late eighteenth century, slave traders from New England and Brazil were each annually exporting about 300,000 gallons of rum to West and West Central Africa (Pan 1975:8; Williams 1944:80; McCusker 1989:492-497; Curto 1996).
The modern western perception of alcohol as a profane fluid has often been evoked to amplify the insidiousness of European slave trading. According to Cuban historian Fernando Ortiz (1947:25), rum "was always the cargo for the slaver's return trip, for with it slaves were bought, local chieftains bribed, and the African tribes corrupted and weakened." Historian Eric Williams wrote,
Rum was an essential part of the cargo of the slave ship, particularly the colonial American slave ship. No slave trader could afford to dispense with a cargo of rum. It was profitable to spread the taste for liquor on the coast. The Negro dealers were plied with it, were induced to drink till they lost their reason, and then the bargain was struck. (Williams 1944:78)
Modern attitudes about the vulgarity of alcoholic beverages have helped magnify the evils of the slave trade. But the reality of rum's part in the trade is more mundane than the images so passionately depicted. West and West Central Africans were familiar with the potentially disastrous effects of excessive alcohol use prior to European intervention, which precluded the type of social devastation that accompanied the alcohol trade to Native Americans in North America.
Tuesday, January 18, 2011
Obama Orders Military to Prepare for Spring Food Riots
Please read the following with open eyes. While the
general information is true, the author takes great leaps (see title) to form possibly incorrect conclusions.
Natural disasters hammering countries mentioned below are correct and many are ongoing. Besides impacting lives, homes and infrastructure another disaster casualty is massive crop loss.
What I take issue with in this article is the leading premise that Presidents Nicolas Sarkozy and Obama met solely to discuss probable food riots and that Obama has ordered our military to prepare for same.
Information from the Financial Times indicates that the meeting
primarily focused on reforming the international monetary system. Nowhere in the FT article is food mentioned.
However, an APF article indicates that the pair would discuss soaring food prices and again, stabilizing world currency. The main aim was to lessen the US dollar's central role in the global economy and give greater weight to rising economies - specifically China, India, Brazil and Russia according to the NY Times.
Anther discussion point was the Middle East mess, but nowhere in these two articles is food riots mentioned - or even 'food' for that matter. They were to hash over commodities in general, which does include food. So, food riots appear to be a tangential discussion, not a central one.
Over the past decade US relations with France have severely
deteriorated from the once cozy state when they gifted us with the Statue of Liberty. It appears that with Obama's statement "We don't have a stronger friend and a stronger ally than Nicolas Sarkozy and the French people" he is making strides toward repairing relations.
Another facet of their meeting was a discussion of global economic imbalances. Understandably, the "have nots" want what the "haves" enjoy and discussion along these lines is yet another attempt to hustle along the New
World Order. Let's level the playing field, make the world one large pot of brown instead of colors and ethnicities of distinction as God designed. This blending is definitely on Obama's socialist-leaning agenda.
Those things aside, our military has been conducting drills to deal with social unrest. We posted a news item on Unified Quest 2011 late last year. This is a year-long war games series that look at a variety of concerns and how to deal with them, including:
a.. "large scale economic breakdown" inside of the United States
b.. how to maintain "domestic order amid civil unrest"
c.. and ways to deal with fragmented global power and drastically lower budgets
Clearly, the U.S. government is making contingency plans to deal with a worst-case, all-out-collapse scenario of not only the economy, but our social and political systems.
The war gaming, according to reports, began in 2008 at the onset of the economic crisis. Planners aren't just from not just the US, but around the globe, may have been aware of the dire possibility of economic collapse even earlier.
This push toward military involvement in civilian control didn't originate with Obama, but came into full force under the George W. Bush with the "John Warner Defense Authorization Act of 2007". Though its contents has faded from many of our memories, this landmark legislation has shocking parameters, not just implications. If you want a refresher, see Bush Moves
Toward Martial Law.
So while much of the information below is correct we may not agree with the initial premise. However, IF we have an ugly spring-summer weather-wise, it could have a devastating impact on our food supply. Food prices are already soaring globally, primarily due to weather-related issues and another slam on reserves could make availability rather grim and very,
very expensive.
general information is true, the author takes great leaps (see title) to form possibly incorrect conclusions.
Natural disasters hammering countries mentioned below are correct and many are ongoing. Besides impacting lives, homes and infrastructure another disaster casualty is massive crop loss.
What I take issue with in this article is the leading premise that Presidents Nicolas Sarkozy and Obama met solely to discuss probable food riots and that Obama has ordered our military to prepare for same.
Information from the Financial Times indicates that the meeting
primarily focused on reforming the international monetary system. Nowhere in the FT article is food mentioned.
However, an APF article indicates that the pair would discuss soaring food prices and again, stabilizing world currency. The main aim was to lessen the US dollar's central role in the global economy and give greater weight to rising economies - specifically China, India, Brazil and Russia according to the NY Times.
Anther discussion point was the Middle East mess, but nowhere in these two articles is food riots mentioned - or even 'food' for that matter. They were to hash over commodities in general, which does include food. So, food riots appear to be a tangential discussion, not a central one.
Over the past decade US relations with France have severely
deteriorated from the once cozy state when they gifted us with the Statue of Liberty. It appears that with Obama's statement "We don't have a stronger friend and a stronger ally than Nicolas Sarkozy and the French people" he is making strides toward repairing relations.
Another facet of their meeting was a discussion of global economic imbalances. Understandably, the "have nots" want what the "haves" enjoy and discussion along these lines is yet another attempt to hustle along the New
World Order. Let's level the playing field, make the world one large pot of brown instead of colors and ethnicities of distinction as God designed. This blending is definitely on Obama's socialist-leaning agenda.
Those things aside, our military has been conducting drills to deal with social unrest. We posted a news item on Unified Quest 2011 late last year. This is a year-long war games series that look at a variety of concerns and how to deal with them, including:
a.. "large scale economic breakdown" inside of the United States
b.. how to maintain "domestic order amid civil unrest"
c.. and ways to deal with fragmented global power and drastically lower budgets
Clearly, the U.S. government is making contingency plans to deal with a worst-case, all-out-collapse scenario of not only the economy, but our social and political systems.
The war gaming, according to reports, began in 2008 at the onset of the economic crisis. Planners aren't just from not just the US, but around the globe, may have been aware of the dire possibility of economic collapse even earlier.
This push toward military involvement in civilian control didn't originate with Obama, but came into full force under the George W. Bush with the "John Warner Defense Authorization Act of 2007". Though its contents has faded from many of our memories, this landmark legislation has shocking parameters, not just implications. If you want a refresher, see Bush Moves
Toward Martial Law.
So while much of the information below is correct we may not agree with the initial premise. However, IF we have an ugly spring-summer weather-wise, it could have a devastating impact on our food supply. Food prices are already soaring globally, primarily due to weather-related issues and another slam on reserves could make availability rather grim and very,
very expensive.
Thursday, January 13, 2011
Tuesday, January 11, 2011
Interview with John Perkins, author of Confessions of an Economic Hit Man
In this video, the Health Ranger interviews John Perkins, author of Confessions of an Economic Hit Man, Hoodwinked and The Secret History of the American Empire. Here, Perkins discusses his history as an economic hit man, how the U.S. controls and manipulates the economics of developing nations, how U.S. agents organize revolutions or assassinations of world leaders, and how U.S. corporations actually run the whole show.
Sunday, January 9, 2011
Saturday, January 8, 2011
a strange phenomenon fell upon honeybee hives across the country. Without a trace, millions of bees vanished from their hives, leaving billions of dollars of crops at risk and potentially threatening our food supply. The epidemic set researchers scrambling to discover why honeybees were dying in record numbers — and to stop the epidemic in its tracks before it spread further.
Thursday, January 6, 2011
Wednesday, January 5, 2011
40,000 'devil' crabs wash up on Kent coast after dying from hypothermia in freezing sea

Thousands of dead crabs have washed up along the Kent coast, with environmental experts believing the cold weather in Britain is to blame. The Velvet swimming crabs - also called devil crabs - are thought to be victims of Britain's coldest December in 120 years, which left sea temperatures much lower than average. More than 40,000 of the crabs - Britain's largest swimming crab - are littering beaches around Thanet, along with smaller numbers of whelks, sponges and anemones.
Tuesday, January 4, 2011
Monday, January 3, 2011
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